i'm home..
i'm sooo happy i'm home..
heheh sapa2x pun will feel happy bila dapat balik rumah tercinta!!!
actually smlm dah sampai rumah..ngeh2x
so happy dpt jumpa my
hanif yesterday!!!!
hang out wif him..huarghhh i think about 1 month xjumpa
super happy dapat jumpa hanif n going home!!
eee..my eyes sgt huduh!!
sgt lebam kat bwh mata!!

=( start missing him
tower of ABC
di hancurkan oleh kami yg sgt lapar!!!
mmm..today going out wif alang..
first g MCS College for asking da interview confirmation...
huh bila pegi Miss Devi P.A Mr.Ravi takde pulak..
ee..sengal betul la..ni smua pasal entrepenuership la ni!!
betul2x make me hyper bengang!!
This monday will make phone call ask again bout da' interview!!
then g survey price DDR2 Ram 1GB for my notebook..
n bought new pant!! hehehe =)
syok2x shopping ayah sms me..
"Balik cepat pukul 2 ayah ada meeting!! nak guna kete"
ala......spoil la..
huhuh..balik hantar kereta then follow ayah kluar balik!! ahahah..
sbb mission dengan alang yang sebenar belum lagi berhasil!
ayah drop by us kat computer shop..
Yeah..dah upgrade Ram to
2GB for RM155
murah x?? ke mahal??
hahaha tadi tanya price 1GB je..tp beli 2GB!!
ngeh2x my baby now 2GB ok!!
then,g salon fwen of umi's hehe..
yeahh diz is actually our mission!!cutting our hair!!
asked auntie for cutting my hair like farah Spa Q!!
hahah..gila terpengaruh ngan citer Spa Q..
yeah i got new haircut dowh!!
lepas cutting our hair..next mission is meet the optometrist!!
alang check her eyes..she's planning to wear contact lense..
bila dah check xjadi plak..huhuh..
now she's trying to pujuk ayah utk buat spec baru!! =)
me oso check my eyes since doc kat mlk asked me to check it..
the result..eeeeeee..sengal la..remember when i check my eyes kat malacca they said my power dah turun!! penipu!!! sebenarnya tak ok!!..
my power still da same!! xde yg berubah!!
buktinya optometrist yg aku pegi ni ada my rekod yg lepas2x..!!
eee...nyesal gila buat kat
dah la kata my power dah turun...bukannya reduce tp tambahkan lagi power!! eeeeee...sengal!!
seriusly after this nak buat spec and check mata g kat Banting je..huh..bengang tol!!
sgt byk keje diz holiday!!!
i need rest for this holiday..but cant!!
this semester really make me stress!!
so i do need my theraphy!! heheh..SHOPPING!!
no..no..no..dah byk shopping!!
aiyakk but still stress la!!
can huh?? shopping??
i promise i will stop after hang out with my siblings and Syira!!
bilanya kita nak kuar ni..aku dah cuti!!