This year my double H started going to school!! Tadika la of course.. haha.. So we decided to send them to Tadika Aiman. We had already made some survey for other kindergartens and InsyaALLAH this will be the best choice for them.
Test Baju After Alter that cost us RM90+ 😰 |
Seluar track bottom tu pun alter.. kalau x menggelebeh. anak2x iolss halus kecik hehe |
On their first day of school, mmg I amik cuti sbb saja nak kepoh kepoh nak rasa hantar anak pergi school.. hahaha.. And mmg dah agak akan ada DRAMA from them.
Wake up early morning alhamdulillah both of them sangat mudah nak bangun. sbb mlm sebelum dah kena paksa tido as early at 8.30pm hahaha.. Mummy nervous takut diorang might cranky especially Hannah. The DRAMA begins after shower.. and below are the chronology..
- Hasif xmo abah pakaikan baju nak mummy
- Hannah lari satu rumah dr tingkat atas turun ke bawah sbb xmo pakai baju school
- Umpan them tgk youtube kids dkt tv. of course Baby Shark Do Do Do
- Then minum susu and makan vitamin dulu before school
- Perjalanan ke school aman damai
- Sampai school Hasif said "xmo school sini" while Hannah masih rileks xmo jalan nak mummy dukung
- Dukung Hannah and she said "mummy jangan tinggalkan Hannah ye"
- Hasif buat drama Kasim Selamat pegang kaki abah xmo masuk school
- Teacher amik Hannah and Hasif . Both crying out loud. Oh sorry babies.. 😭
Huhu.. mujur first week of school sampai pukul 11am je.. So masa amik dah xnangis dah.. Sempat intai Hasif dah jumpa kawan baru.. Hannah xnampak pula masa intai.. Then send them to Opah's House. Sampai rumah opah Hannah gedik xmo masuk.. Ngada!!!!
So that's the story of them for first day of school. Second day chronology sama, cuma Hannah xde la lari satu rumah dah.. masih nangis xmo pakai baju.. While abang Hasif alhamdulillah dah tak nangis just Hannah je nangis. So Hasif being so abang abang akan pujuk Hannah bila dah sampai school.
Hasif and Hannah ,
Mummy and Abah doakan both of you di cerahkan dan di lapangkan dada sepanjang menuntut ilmu dekat Tadika Aiman ni ye..
Mummy and Abah love you guys soooooooooo much |
♥Munirah Abd♥
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