Congratulation Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor[35y] for being the first astronaut of malaysia..You rockx man..xoxox...Wish you all da best..Selamat pergi n Selamat kembali..Beliau akan berlepas ke space around 9.21pm[waktu Malaysia] for 10 days..Fuh..mcm mana la keadaan kat space kan.. You're so lucky doc..Not everyone can get the changes..So take the changes n share wif us when you come back to Malaysia..xoxoxo..
Erm...so tired today..helping umi's baked cakes for her fwen..byk sgt sehhhh...after diz will continued back...pergh...Only have 2 days for Hari Raya..So xciting..first raya will be at Banting..second raya BALIK KAMPUNG..xoxox..jadila eventhough only one nite je kat umah wan..ok lah kan daripada x balik langsung..huhuh...So guys..Selamat Hari Raya n Maaf Zahir Batin K..
Hidup Cosmonout!!