06 June 2011

Proses Gigi yang terkini

Assalamualaikum and Hi Guys;

Can you imagine now I'm wearing the RUBBER BAND!!

Kalau nak makan kena bukak!! Dah abis makan pasang balik!!
Pergh menguji tahap kesabaran paling maxima!!

1 day 1 rubber band. Kiri dan kanan.
So ko nak tido pon kena hadap pakai.
Rungsing kalau gigi aku lasak time tido tertelan kang camno? haha
Kalau x cantik gak gigi aku ni xtau la nak kata apa :(

Comfirm aku kurus dengan pemakaian rubber band ni.
Ater ko igt aku rajin bukak pasang. Ah malas. Xpe la berlapar. Haih
Lagipun skang ni aku rasa aku punya tahap ketembaman adalah sangat melampau!
Over gila!!!

What is rubber band?
Often called "elastics", rubber bands are used to provide special forces to your teeth. These forces cannot be achieved with archwires alone and require excellent patient cooperation.
Wanna know more about part of braces you are welcome to visit this site  HERE 


1 comment:

  1. pehh..mmg menguji tahap kesabaran maksima terutamanya bila masuk waktu makan..hahaha
    sabo jela~~


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