Dua orang sahabat karib sedang berjalan melintasi sebuah gurun padang pasir. A dan B. Di tengah-tengah perjalanan, tiba-tiba sahaja tercetus pertengkaran di antara mereka berdua. A telah menghadiahkan B satu tamparan yang hinggap di pipinya. B terasa sangat sakit hati tetapi tidak bertindakbalas.
Tanpa berkata apa-apa, B menulis di atas pasir: “hari ini sahabat baikku telah menampar mukaku”. Kemudian, mereka meneruskan perjalanan sehinggalah mereka menemui sebuah kawasan subur di padang pasir. Mereka mengambil kata sepakat untuk mandi di oasis tersebut sebelum meneruskan perjalanan yang msih jauh.
Dalam mereka asyik membersihkan diri, B nyaris tenggelam dan lemas tetapi berjaya diselamatkan oleh sahabatnya A. ketika B mulai sedar dari lemas dan hilang rasa takut, dia menulis di atas sebuah batu “hari ini sahabat baikku telah menyelamatkan nyawaku”
A bertanya “kenapa setelah aku melukai hatimu, kau menulis atas pasir. Dan sekarang, kenapa pula kau menulis dia atas batu?” sambil tersenyum B berkata “ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya atas pasir agar angin maaf datang menghembus dan menghapuskan tulisan itu.Dan apabila sesuatu yang luarbiasa terjadi,kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati agar tidak hilang ditiup sang bayu”
Moral cerita, dalam kehidupan seharian kita, sering terjadinya perbezaan pendapat dan konflik disebabkan oleh pandangan hati kita yang juga berbeza-beza. Oleh itu, cubalah untuk saling memaafkan dan melupakan perselisihan lalu. Belajarlah menulis di atas pasir.
*credit to Shiken
31 January 2008
30 January 2008
Happy Birthday Uya ya!!

Its her birthday!!
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. =)
tomorrow she's going back to Perak..
x aci kamoo pulang awal!!
huhuhuh ..sgt jeles!!!
mahu pulang too!!!
today wani n pong kuan peng going back to Terengganu
besnya pulang awal!!
i have to stay for 2 days..
kena jumpa supervisor and have one class tomorrow..
urghhh PM Shahdan..collect more coupon!! ngeh2x
Friday morning baru balik!!
cant wait utk pulang!!
meet Hanif first..
wahhh..so looooong tidak ketemu kamoo darling!!
mishhhhhh u!!
29 January 2008
Bro Ayie the cat lover!!
27 January 2008
girls night out
wahhhh..i'm having fun last nite wif Effa,Shasha,Pda and Afzan!!
hahahha..sgt seronok last nite!!!
firstly, we all makan2x kat gerai yg di suggest oleh Pda..
lupa la nama gerai tu!!
me order nasi goreng ayam kunyit..
boleh tahan sedap + kenyang (dari pagi x makan!!)
after makan kenyang perut suka hati we went to tesco..
afzan wanted to buy her stuff..
me only beli 'sluar panas' (salesperson tesco yg ckp)
sgt gorgeous 'sluar panas" itu!!
next station....JONKER WALK!!
yippie...setelah sekian lama!!so happy..
da nak habis blaja kat Mlk baru nak g!!
hahaha...wut ever..asalkan jejak ok!!!
so rambang mata..dunno wut to buy at first..
but me dah planning nak beli sumting for my girls (siblings+cousins)
for umi, me bought a lovely hand fan..
hehe ganti balik yg me patahkan before!!
for ayah,mamat za'im and hanif ...errr..nothing la..
coz cant find a suitable stuff for man!! sorry...
then, last station MBO!!
yeahh midnite movie..
we all decided to watch Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.. err..actually tau lah da story was crime genre..dunno la plak its a musical movie!! hahah feel kelakar sgt..for me quite bosan at first sbb asyik nyanyi je!! then part kelar2x org tu....aiyak....sgt kejam!!! just close my eyes when dat part!!! huhuhuh xsanggup tgk la..
going home around 2.30am!!
hahahahh..really enjoy last nite!!
thank you girls!!
diz memories akan ku ingat sampai bila2x..
thank u..thank u...n thank u so much!!
*here attached some pictures
hahahha..sgt seronok last nite!!!
firstly, we all makan2x kat gerai yg di suggest oleh Pda..
lupa la nama gerai tu!!
me order nasi goreng ayam kunyit..
boleh tahan sedap + kenyang (dari pagi x makan!!)
after makan kenyang perut suka hati we went to tesco..
afzan wanted to buy her stuff..
me only beli 'sluar panas' (salesperson tesco yg ckp)
sgt gorgeous 'sluar panas" itu!!
next station....JONKER WALK!!
yippie...setelah sekian lama!!so happy..
da nak habis blaja kat Mlk baru nak g!!
hahaha...wut ever..asalkan jejak ok!!!
so rambang mata..dunno wut to buy at first..
but me dah planning nak beli sumting for my girls (siblings+cousins)
for umi, me bought a lovely hand fan..
hehe ganti balik yg me patahkan before!!
for ayah,mamat za'im and hanif ...errr..nothing la..
coz cant find a suitable stuff for man!! sorry...

yeahh midnite movie..
we all decided to watch Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.. err..actually tau lah da story was crime genre..dunno la plak its a musical movie!! hahah feel kelakar sgt..for me quite bosan at first sbb asyik nyanyi je!! then part kelar2x org tu....aiyak....sgt kejam!!! just close my eyes when dat part!!! huhuhuh xsanggup tgk la..
going home around 2.30am!!
hahahahh..really enjoy last nite!!
thank you girls!!
diz memories akan ku ingat sampai bila2x..
thank u..thank u...n thank u so much!!
*here attached some pictures
25 January 2008
eeeeee...saya sgt careless!!!
my atm card lost!!
cuai betul...
dunno where i put??!! *blur*
sgt sengal,gelabah,cuak n bla-bla..
luckily masa call ayah tell him dat my atm card hilang,he's not angry..
fuhhh....sgt lega...
thanks to putri call kan cimb centre for blocking the card!!
thanks oso to siti coz willing hantar g bank make a new card!!!
yippie... i have a new card..sgt cantik kad itu!! red color!! =)
thanks oso to cimb staff yg sgt baik layan my karenah!! *wink*
after diz be more alert wif my stuff!!! promise!!
omg..ipod nano in pink color!!
new color!!
i want diz!!
duit?? uwawawaw sik da!!
ada sesiapa yg willing nak belikan saya ini!! hands up please!!!!
next week going back to banting!! yippiiee!!
*i miss ayah[sgt manja dgn ayah!!!]
*i miss umi [shopping wif umi n story mory wif her!!]
*i miss mi angah mahirah [even jumpa mcm anjing ngan kucing!!]
*i miss mi alang mardhiah [alang sgt rajin tolong kakak!!]
*i miss mi adik masturah [rindu nak main rambut adik!!]
*i miss mi mamat zaim [rindu air oren mamat sgt sedap ok!!]
my atm card lost!!
cuai betul...
dunno where i put??!! *blur*
sgt sengal,gelabah,cuak n bla-bla..
luckily masa call ayah tell him dat my atm card hilang,he's not angry..
fuhhh....sgt lega...
thanks to putri call kan cimb centre for blocking the card!!
thanks oso to siti coz willing hantar g bank make a new card!!!
yippie... i have a new card..sgt cantik kad itu!! red color!! =)
thanks oso to cimb staff yg sgt baik layan my karenah!! *wink*
after diz be more alert wif my stuff!!! promise!!

new color!!
i want diz!!
duit?? uwawawaw sik da!!
ada sesiapa yg willing nak belikan saya ini!! hands up please!!!!
next week going back to banting!! yippiiee!!
*i miss ayah[sgt manja dgn ayah!!!]
*i miss umi [shopping wif umi n story mory wif her!!]
*i miss mi angah mahirah [even jumpa mcm anjing ngan kucing!!]
*i miss mi alang mardhiah [alang sgt rajin tolong kakak!!]
*i miss mi adik masturah [rindu nak main rambut adik!!]
*i miss mi mamat zaim [rindu air oren mamat sgt sedap ok!!]
miss mi family soooooooo much!!
24 January 2008
Tribute to Entrepreneurship
why we must learn diz subject!!!
eee..sgt bosan...n sgt x suka ok!!!!
i hate something relate to business.. sale!!! marketing!!!
huh kena buat BUSINESS PLAN!! WHAT??
interview someone who established in business?? who??
mana kenal wei!! hello!!! tau tak yg now sgt busy ngan PSM..
why must do all this thing!!!
huarhhhhhhh....sgt xsuka!!! but must face it!!!
nasib baiklah only 2 hours per week...if ada lab!! eeeee lagi sengal tau!!
mcm kena paksa blaja subject ni..
eee..sgt bosan...n sgt x suka ok!!!!
i hate something relate to business.. sale!!! marketing!!!
huh kena buat BUSINESS PLAN!! WHAT??
interview someone who established in business?? who??
mana kenal wei!! hello!!! tau tak yg now sgt busy ngan PSM..
why must do all this thing!!!
huarhhhhhhh....sgt xsuka!!! but must face it!!!
nasib baiklah only 2 hours per week...if ada lab!! eeeee lagi sengal tau!!
mcm kena paksa blaja subject ni..
Can imagine how super extreme BOSAN diz class!!
yippie..my scholarship dah masuk!! super dupey HAPPY!!
thanks sponsor!! =)
can shopping!!! hoorayyy
thanks sponsor!! =)
can shopping!!! hoorayyy
*sorry la miss we all bukan xsuka subject ni..
cuma rase mcm ntah lah xsuka!! erkk..xsuka!!
cuma rase mcm ntah lah xsuka!! erkk..xsuka!!
22 January 2008
today dapat parcel from ayah..
huaaaaaa sgt syok!!!! eventhough only jus intra yg ayah hantar..
but still happy ok!!!!
thanks ayah!!!
but still happy ok!!!!
thanks ayah!!!
ngeh2x she send pic a liltle boy yg mcm muka hanif masa kechik!!
hehehehe budak ni sgt chomot ok!!
angah camna kamoo jaga budak ni!!!
now angah practical for 3 months kat taska az-zahra.
actually angah amik diploma in education of children..(am i rite angah??)
hehehe..Shasha wear a different sandal!!
dah sampai MP baru realized!!
erkk..apakah ini??
which one is mine??

miss redha so much!!!!
dia sgt comel ok!!
hehehehe budak ni sgt chomot ok!!
angah camna kamoo jaga budak ni!!!
now angah practical for 3 months kat taska az-zahra.
actually angah amik diploma in education of children..(am i rite angah??)
dah sampai MP baru realized!!
which one is mine??

miss redha so much!!!!
dia sgt comel ok!!
*Effa, thanks ye bagi orange ari tu!!!
*Sha,jgn marah erk aku post pic tu!!! ngeh2x
19 January 2008
MacBook Air

OMG.. diz MacBook Air make me feel cannot tido malam ok!!!
Ayah!! I want diz notebook boleh??? huhuhh
ngeh2x dah blh imagine wut ayah would said!!
super sad :(
aiyak...huhuh adakah ianya hanya dlm mimpi for own diz thinnest notebook
ohhhh...cepatla abis blaja..ku mahu kerja utk membeli wut ever i want!!
yes i do want diz notebook!!!
so cantek ok!!!
hello sponsor!! when my scholarship nak masuk neh!!!
y sgt lambat!! y perlu masuk sikit dulu!!
not enough ok!!
Ayah!! I want diz notebook boleh??? huhuhh
ngeh2x dah blh imagine wut ayah would said!!
super sad :(
aiyak...huhuh adakah ianya hanya dlm mimpi for own diz thinnest notebook
ohhhh...cepatla abis blaja..ku mahu kerja utk membeli wut ever i want!!
yes i do want diz notebook!!!
so cantek ok!!!
hello sponsor!! when my scholarship nak masuk neh!!!
y sgt lambat!! y perlu masuk sikit dulu!!
not enough ok!!

yeahhh... xoxo gossip girls..
anyway xpenah pun baca buku gossip girls..b4 diz tgk2x kat bookstores tak teringin pun nak beli..now after dah tgk citer ni,nak p beli lah..ngeh2x
**haiya..y sgt malas mahu buat assingment Distributed ni..
eeee..sgt byk soalan!!! sgt xtahu bagaimana!!
eee.. wut happened to me!!hello Munirah...Motivated sikit K!!
eeeerrr...every post kena ada spirit word!! ngeh2x...grrrr!!
eeee..sgt byk soalan!!! sgt xtahu bagaimana!!
eee.. wut happened to me!!hello Munirah...Motivated sikit K!!
eeeerrr...every post kena ada spirit word!! ngeh2x...grrrr!!
18 January 2008
wink ;)
better..better n more better today!!
just pagi tadi cam hampeh!!
dunno y since wednesday till today..
every morning mesti headache yg sgt sakit..!!!
if sakit satu kepala boleh terima lagi..
but only paint right side je..
& terlampau sakit kat bahagian mata kanan..
yesterday dah check kat optometrist...
dia kata my power dah kurang maybe b'coz of dat la sakit mata sgt2x..
wahhhhh...sudah kurang my power!!! sgt suka hati!!!
tapi y still have headache!!!! cepat lah siap my new spec!!
(bukan baru pun..cermin je baru!! bingkai still elok lagi!!) ;P
ngeh2x..tadi kuar g beli pillow baru!! yeah...
from now on tido ku akan lebih lena!!
tp still xbeli lagi a nice wedges!!
tadi rambang mata sampai tak terbeli... uawawwawa !!
lagipun kesuntukan masa...xpe next time kena budget time elok2x.. ngeh2x..
AI stands for Artificial Intelligent!!!
hello!!! sgt susah diz subject utk di pahamkan..!!
Y saya xpandai!! eeeee...prolog!!!! eemm.. saya pandai ok!! ngeh2x
subject ni interesting tapi sgt susah utk paham...
haiyo...ni last sem OK!!! focus MUNIRAH!!!!
just pagi tadi cam hampeh!!
dunno y since wednesday till today..
every morning mesti headache yg sgt sakit..!!!
if sakit satu kepala boleh terima lagi..
but only paint right side je..
& terlampau sakit kat bahagian mata kanan..
yesterday dah check kat optometrist...
dia kata my power dah kurang maybe b'coz of dat la sakit mata sgt2x..
wahhhhh...sudah kurang my power!!! sgt suka hati!!!
tapi y still have headache!!!! cepat lah siap my new spec!!
(bukan baru pun..cermin je baru!! bingkai still elok lagi!!) ;P
ngeh2x..tadi kuar g beli pillow baru!! yeah...
from now on tido ku akan lebih lena!!
tp still xbeli lagi a nice wedges!!
tadi rambang mata sampai tak terbeli... uawawwawa !!
lagipun kesuntukan masa...xpe next time kena budget time elok2x.. ngeh2x..
AI stands for Artificial Intelligent!!!
hello!!! sgt susah diz subject utk di pahamkan..!!
Y saya xpandai!! eeeee...prolog!!!! eemm.. saya pandai ok!! ngeh2x
subject ni interesting tapi sgt susah utk paham...
haiyo...ni last sem OK!!! focus MUNIRAH!!!!
17 January 2008
feel better today...n hope tomorrow more better!!!!
tp cian Hanif.. dia pulak yg sick!!! he's asthma!!
get well soon cayunk!!! lama dah tak borak ngan u!!!
miss u so so so so muchhhhh ok!!!

argggggghhh...saat-saat tension sudah kembali!!!
diz time distributed assignment.. byk dowh!!
help!! still dunna how to read API!!!
tau la seskit..but need to understand more!!!
nanti kat lab sure blur!!!! hate blur!!!
PSM..chapter 1 done!!
but my supervisor ask to submit phase 1 and phase 2..
only student en.Sanusi je ok!!
actually rungsing la PSM ni...
hope will do better more than workshop project last sem!!
gambateeeeeeee MUNIRAH!!
tp cian Hanif.. dia pulak yg sick!!! he's asthma!!
get well soon cayunk!!! lama dah tak borak ngan u!!!
miss u so so so so muchhhhh ok!!!

argggggghhh...saat-saat tension sudah kembali!!!
diz time distributed assignment.. byk dowh!!
help!! still dunna how to read API!!!
tau la seskit..but need to understand more!!!
nanti kat lab sure blur!!!! hate blur!!!
PSM..chapter 1 done!!
but my supervisor ask to submit phase 1 and phase 2..
only student en.Sanusi je ok!!
actually rungsing la PSM ni...
hope will do better more than workshop project last sem!!
gambateeeeeeee MUNIRAH!!
13 January 2008

haiya.. hate it so so much when sick!!
sgt tension..
dah hampir seminggu demam..
cepat sihat la!!!
hate flu!
hate cough!
but love my voice so much!!
damn rock!!
eee....xsuka sakit di Melaka!!
need umi n ayah to comfort me!! [manja tahi]
need hanif oso!! [lagi manja tahi] *wink
sgt malas mahu ke kelas esok!!!
not fully recovered!!
eeee...still need rest..want more rest dowh!!
sgt tension..
dah hampir seminggu demam..
cepat sihat la!!!
hate flu!
hate cough!
but love my voice so much!!
damn rock!!
eee....xsuka sakit di Melaka!!
need umi n ayah to comfort me!! [manja tahi]
need hanif oso!! [lagi manja tahi] *wink
sgt malas mahu ke kelas esok!!!
not fully recovered!!
eeee...still need rest..want more rest dowh!!
09 January 2008
03 January 2008
old topic: UTeM Computer Centre Maintenance System
new topic:SMKTD Events Calendar System
hahaha..I've change my topic for PSM.
tomorrow submit the proposal.
dunno la accept or not tajuk tu..
hopefully accept..
topic lama tu bukan tak interested cuma..kurang minat la nak buat..
feel like mcm tak enjoy bila buat..
so i've decided change my topic..
and really hope that En.Sanusi will approved it!!! amin~~
diz sem UTeM made the changers.
Changersnya taraaaaa...
before entering class we need to swap our matric card..
swap kat device yg ada depan class!!
wah so canggih now UTeM..[sound like 'batak'] hahahha
after diz if nak ponteng just bagi je matric card kat class mates & swap it!!
wahhhahahahha..so kejam!!
new topic:SMKTD Events Calendar System
hahaha..I've change my topic for PSM.
tomorrow submit the proposal.
dunno la accept or not tajuk tu..
hopefully accept..
topic lama tu bukan tak interested cuma..kurang minat la nak buat..
feel like mcm tak enjoy bila buat..
so i've decided change my topic..
and really hope that En.Sanusi will approved it!!! amin~~
diz sem UTeM made the changers.
Changersnya taraaaaa...
before entering class we need to swap our matric card..
swap kat device yg ada depan class!!
wah so canggih now UTeM..[sound like 'batak'] hahahha
after diz if nak ponteng just bagi je matric card kat class mates & swap it!!
wahhhahahahha..so kejam!!
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