The facts that you need to know about Munirah Abd or known as Bulan Bintang
- Munirah Binti Abdullah
- Simple girl who live with full of laughter and love.
- Eldest in the family (Kak Long ok !! :D)
- I hate cooking but I will trying to learn how to cook
- Always stay focus but sometimes "kuat berangan" :p (hey think about future ok!!)
- I do love shopping!!!
- I hate when people try to disturb when she was in focus mood..focus beb focus!! hahaha
- is a SHY..oh yeahhh SHY when 1st meeting..but if I feel comfortable with you..I can take only 5 min to get along..hehehhe yeah yeahh I know how bad I am...ngegeg
- Hey!! If you close to me you can share anything with me..I am is a good listener and good adviser too :p ooo yeahhhhh
- I will moody if I have "RED FLAG"..especially before "RED FLAG" (so tanda2x la tu konon :p)
- I love photography and I love to pose!! hahahha (xkesah la katik pun but I like)
ok that's it the facts about ME
with ♥ ;