ok love this quote soooo much
ugly is beautiful!!
so better think you are ugly not beautiful!!! :D
if you always said you are beautiful you are totally wrong!!!!
please please please say you are ugly!! hahahhaha
(siapa paham ayat ni diam2x sudey!! :p)
the point for this entry was NO POINT!!
its just I LOVE THIS QUOTE and wanna share with you guys!!!
with ♥ ;
haha..dem! i love dat quote..so please, be urself, be ugly..hak2
ReplyDeleteyang dah memang ugly takyah ckp dia pretty lah maksudnyer ek...sebab dah memang terang2 ugly cam2 ker
ReplyDeletemohd: yup b urself!!!
ReplyDeleteputri: yup..diam diam sudey la..hehehhe..lets other ppl judge our self.if xde yg nak judge diam2x da la :P
pretty ugly...yg grup tu ek?
mari mengaku diri ini hodoh
ReplyDeletei oso like the statement..
ReplyDeletebelow also can be related
sexy or sexsa
LuVidA^^: bukan la..ini quote la yang.. :D
ReplyDeletelily lotus : ngeggee..depan org ngaku hodoh..dlm hati berkata "akulah pompuan paling cantik di dunia!!" muahhahaha
Sir Hanif Abd Nasir: ya ya sexy or sexsa!!!
ReplyDeleteugly.. tp nmpk kiut takpe... ugly nmpk comot... errr...